b-lock grips.pdf
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b-Lock Grips

Relieve stress off your hands by clipping on the b-Lock grips which provides comfort when using a barbell to lift. Please look at video for more details.


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V-Lock Grips

Are you have a hard time gripping the barbell at the gym or getting hand calluses/blisters? Well, relieve stress off your hands by clipping on the V-Lock grips which provides comfort when using a barbell to lift for your back exercises and much more! Just clip right on to the bar and its smaller handle and position will comfort you during your rep and sets!


Contact us with any questions or concerns.

V-Lock Grips


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  • Ships within 1-3 days

Clean Open

Foot Door opener

Free Screws Included



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  • Ships within 1-3 days

Don't use your hands to open the door. Use your foot to pull on the Clean Open door opener to open door for entrance. This minimizes hand to hand germ transmission from door knob/handles. This is not meant for your front door. Most people think you still have to turn the door knob. You would cover the latch up or take it out and convert any door into a pull and push door only. There are many doors that this product can apply too.